Commemorating the International Day of the African Child: Honoring the Past, Investing in the Future

By Clive Ayuko

Nairobi, Kenya, July 14th 2024

Today at St. John’s Catholic Church in Korogocho, Nairobi, the International Day of the African Child was commemorated with heartfelt tributes and reflections, significantly sponsored by the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) and the Mastercard Foundation.

FAWE, established in 1992 by five African women ministers of education, has been a beacon of hope and progress for girls’ education across the continent. Founded with a vision to increase access and improve the quality of education for African girls, FAWE has tirelessly worked to influence policy, build capacities, and create educational opportunities in numerous African countries. Their efforts have transformed the lives of millions of young girls, empowering them to pursue their dreams and contribute to their communities.

The Mastercard Foundation, known for its dedication to youth empowerment and education in Africa, joined hands with FAWE to sponsor this crucial event. Their collaboration ensured that the voices of African children, especially girls, are heard and their rights championed.

Speaking during the event, FAWE Secretary General Mrs. Mary Goretti emphasized the importance of educational investment, stating, “Investing in African children’s education is investing in Africa’s future.”

The community gathered to not only honor the resilience of the youth but also remember the tragic Soweto Massacre of 1976. On that fateful day, thousands of black students in Soweto, South Africa, marched peacefully against the apartheid regime’s imposition of Afrikaans in schools. The protest ended in tragedy as police opened fire, killing at least 176 children. The image of Hector Pieterson, a 12-year-old boy shot and killed, being carried by a distraught comrade, became an indelible symbol of their struggle.

Today’s commemoration at St. John’s Catholic Church, supported by FAWE and the Mastercard Foundation, highlighted the ongoing fight for justice, education, and equality for African children. It served as a powerful reminder of the past sacrifices and the continued efforts needed to secure a brighter future for every African child.

The event whose theme was Education for All Time Is Now!!saw the participation of various organizations dedicated to children’s welfare and education, including Child Space, Beacon of Hope, Crime Si Poa, World Vision, Beyond the Vision, Baraka Health Net, the Refugee Consortium of Kenya, and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR). Their collective presence underscored the united effort to uplift and protect the rights of African children.

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